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Bo Himself Accused of Ordering Heywood's Murder

发表于 4-19-2012 12:47:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Takanori Kato, Bo Suspected of Ordering Briton's Murder. Daily Yomiuri, Apr 20, 2012 (1 hour ago; available now).

(2) Leo Lewis, Chinese Leader Bo Xilai 'Purged Cops Probing Wife's Role in Neil Heywood Death.' The Australian, Apr 20, 2012 (available now).
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ ... heywood-death/story
("WITHIN hours of learning his former police chief had fled to the US consulate in Chengdu, Bo Xilai ordered a purge of the police investigating his wife's role in the death of British businessman Neil Heywood. Sources in Chongqing told The Times 11 police personnel close to Wang Lijun were arrested")

Mu comment:
(a) Republished from
Leo Lewis, Party Chief’s Henchmen ‘Arrested Police Working on Heywood Case.’ Times of London, Apr 19, 2012.
(b) Who knows? Maybe the source is Mr Wang Kang again.
(C) Praetorian Guard

(3) Rishaad Salamat and Dune Lawrence, Bo Xilai Son Is at Harvard, US Says. Bloomberg, Apr 19, 2012.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/20 ... rd-u-s-says-1-.html

Two consecutive paragraphs:

"While the Communist Party has sought to portray the effort as a narrow legal investigation, a broader engagement on economic and social policies is under way, according to Li Daokui, director of the Center for China in the World Economy at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

“'There have been concerns that he was promoting a Cultural Revolution-style approach to our social tensions,' Li, a former adviser to China’s central bank, said in a Bloomberg Television interview yesterday. 'This is mostly about the future direction of China’s reform.'

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.

(4) Guo Aiping, Everbright International Investigates Vice Chairman’s Identity. Bloomberg, Apr 19, 2012.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/20 ... man-s-identity.html
("Li [Xueming] was appointed as vice chairman and executive director in 2003 by China Everbright’s parent, the Hong Kong-listed renewable energy company said in an emailed statement today")

(i) Lingling Wei and Dinny McMahon, Chinese Investigate Spending in Scandal. Wall Street Journal, Apr 19, 2012 (front page)
("Mr Bo's downfall, and what now appears to be the dismantling of his legacy")

(ii) Siobhan Gorman and Adam Entous, China Police Chief Told US He Fears Harm. Wall Street Journal, Apr 19, 2012.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 52332389119036.html

Paragraphs 2 and 3:

"Public speculation about the February conversation with the former chief, Wang Lijun, during a 30-hour stay at the US Consulate in Chengdu has centered on Mr Wang's reported interest in receiving political asylum in the IS.

"But both Chinese and American officials say much of the communication focused more on helping Mr. Wang flee to the Chinese capital of Beijing into the custody of central government officials, and away from provincial foes.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of the two WSJ reports, though WSJ makes both available online. But (5)(i) is very boring.

(5) Jamil Anderlini and Kathrin Hille, Nexus of Family and Business Links Reflects Bo Influence; Proximity to top china officialsis the fastest way to help dealmaking. financial times, Apr 19, 2012.
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6be899 ... 0-00144feab49a.html


(a) "When the two executives from TPG, one of the world’s biggest private equity firms, entered the room, Bo Xilai welcomed them warmly, making a point to say in English and then in Chinese that two of his family members had asked him to meet with them, according to a Chinese official who was there." paragraph 1

(b) "TPG disputes the account of the meeting. * * *

(c) "The Chinese official present at the TPG meeting in 2009 said Chongqing government officials understood one of the two family members Mr Bo referred to was his wife, Gu Kailai. He added that Sing Wang, the second TPG employee who attended the meeting, had a prior relationship with Ms Gu.

(d) "Stephen Peel, the head of TPG in Asia who attended the Chongqing meeting, denied that Mr Bo had said his family members had recommended that he meet the TPG team.

"TPG said Mr Wang had developed relationships with Chongqing officials before Mr Bo became party secretary, and that these connections ultimately led to the meeting with Mr Bo in 2009.

"A source close to TPG said that 'Sing Wang has only met Bo Xilai at the two TPG meetings, and only met Gu Kailai once, several years ago.'

"A TPG spokesperson said: 'Bo Xilai categorically did not in either meeting say he was seeing us at the suggestion of family. Nor did our partner, Sing Wang, help arrange these meetings by going through Bo family members or intermediaries.'

My comment:
(a) The title implies importance of quanxi in China. However, the text indicates that FT reporters did not regurgitate what Chinese feed them, but that their research shows that CONTRARY to China's assertion, American businessmen say they met Mr Bo Xilai without going through his family or friends.
(b) This report is worth reading, putting Chinese and American statements side by side.
(c) TPG Capital
(formerly Texas Pacific Group; founded in 1992 by David Bonderman, James Coulter and William S Price III; Headquarters  Fort Worth, Texas
and San Francisco)  

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