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US to Consider Sales of New F-16s to Taiwan

发表于 4-27-2012 11:02:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 4-27-2012 11:12 编辑

(a) Viola Gienger, US to Consider Sales of New F-16s to Taiwan, White House Says. Bloomberg, Apr 27, 2012 (54 minutes ago).
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/20 ... ite-house-says.html
(b) Josh Rogin, White House: Taiwan Needs New Jets to Counter China. The Cable, Foreign Policy, Apr 27, 2012 (blog; 48 minutes ago)
http://thecable.foreignpolicy.co ... ts_to_counter_china


"The White House policy shift was codified in a letter sent to Sen John Cornyn (R-TX) Friday as part of a deal to get the Texas senator to release his hold on the confirmation of Mark Lippert, a close confidant of President Barack Obama whose nomination to become the top Pentagon official for Asia has been held up since October over the issue of selling F-16 fighter planes to Taiwan.

"Lippert's nomination had also been stalled by an objection by Sen John McCain (R-AZ), who wanted details on Lippert's reported feud with former National Security Advisor Jim Jones. Lippert was confirmed by the Senate late Thursday evening.

(2) 报告:中国太空技术对美国构成威胁
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... pla_space_usa.shtml

My comment:
(a) The quotation suggests the BBC writer/translator may not have heard of Project 2049 Institute, a pro-Taiwan think-tank founded in 2008 and based in Arlington, Virginia.
(b) Jim Wolf, China's Space Know-How Said Threat to US, Taiwan. Reuters, Apr 27, 2012.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USBRE83Q0UD20120427

(a) 美军整编中期计划 美日牵制中国.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... MENT-149223025.html
("日本防卫省官员在星期五举行的吹风会上说,目前尚未确定向哪些国家提供巡逻舰,不过日本曾经运用ODA 向印度尼西亚 提供巡逻舰")
(b) 美日拟在菲律宾加强军队反击中国能力.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... PINE-148859575.html

(i) 隶属美国的天宁岛基地  Tinian
(one of the three principal islands [besides Saipan, the capital, and Rota] of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands)
(ii) 菲律宾位于南中国海的巴拉望岛 Pallawan (island)
(c) 赫尔曼, 美九千名官兵迁离冲绳.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... INES-149232075.html

, which is translated from
Steve Herman, Plan to Move Marines Off Okinawa Faces Challenges.
http://www.voanews.com/english/n ... nges-149209935.html

My comment:
(i) Compare the Chinese- and English versions, one will see the former is not quite precise: compare "有'巨无霸海军'之称的关岛" and "a facility on the western side of the island known as 'Big Navy.'”
(ii) There is no need to read (c) or (d).
(d) 雷禄思, 驻日美军迁移符合美国新战略.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... apan-149231405.html

, which is translated from
Luis Ramirez, US, Japan Reach Agreement to Move 9,000 Marines
http://www.voanews.com/english/n ... nes--149204505.html

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