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发表于 5-9-2012 15:20:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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(1) 赖幸媛:中共十八大应可望如期举行. BBC Chinese, May 9, 2012
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... _party_taiwan.shtml

My comment: She does not say if she has inside dole.

(2) 十八大推迟之说又起 常委人数仍是谜. VOA Chinese, May 9, 2012.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... elay-150738485.html

(3) 梁光烈低调提军售,王立军因素是否在发酵? VOA Chinese, May 9, 2012
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... sale-150733725.html
("梁光烈对军售问题的态度和去年中国人民解放军总参谋长陈炳德访美时截然不同。陈炳德在多个场合的表态非常强硬,而梁光烈的态度则相当温和,根本没有提及美国政府前不久做出的帮助台湾更新F-16A/B战机的决定和正在讨论的准备出售给台湾F-16C/D战机的计划。* * * 梁光烈的温和态度让美方高级官员也感到意外")

My comment: The next paragraph in the VOA report is, "据英文《台湾时报》报道,在梁光烈抵达五角大楼前,美国官员说,他们预期,梁光烈一定会在会晤中表示,中国坚决反对美国今后继续向台湾出售武器。但是,这位官员还表示,美国的立场一向清晰,“美国的政策是基于美中三个联合公报与台湾关系法。"
(a) There is no 英文《台湾时报》: Taiwan has only two English-language newspapers (Taipei Times and China Post); and 台灣時報 is published in Chinese language.
(b) The correct citation:

William Lowther, Chinese Defense Minister Signals Change in US Ties. Taipei Times, May 9, 2012
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/ ... 12/05/09/2003532366
("Prior to Liang’s Washington meetings, US officials told the Taipei Times that they fully expected that the general would object to any future arms sales to Taiwan. In particular, they expected him to ask for 'clarification' on the recent White House promise to give 'serious consideration' to selling F-16C/D aircraft to Taiwan")  

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