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Liquified Natural Gas in Australia

发表于 6-3-2012 11:07:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Fracking in Australia | Gas Goes Boom; A gas revolution in Australia’s heartlands creates divisions. Economist, June 2, 2012.


"Australia’s gas rush started with liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports from reserves under the Indian Ocean, off the north coast of Western Australia. * * * the CSG [coal-seam gas] bonanza, on top of Indian Ocean gas, means Australia is likely to overtake Qatar as the world’s leading LNG exporter by 2020 (it is now fourth).

"Sceptical farmers also resent the fact that they will barely share in the boom’s riches. Landholders in Australia own only the topsoil; the state owns everything beneath. Companies with exploration licences are obliged to negotiate compensation deals with landowners, but not to seek their permission to drill.

(a) There is no need to click the links to read other articles, for the latter are insubstantial.
(i) For coal-seam gas, see coalbed methane
(Australia has rich deposits where it is known as coal seam gas (abbreviated "CSG"); in underground coal mining, it presents a serious safety risk [for explosion])

Quote: "Coalbed methane is distinct from a typical sandstone or other conventional gas reservoir, as the methane is stored within the coal by a process called adsorption. The methane is in a near-liquid state, lining the inside of pores within the coal (called the matrix)."
(ii) natural gas
(consisting primarily of methane)

(c) Queensland
(In 1859 Queensland was separated from New South Wales [the latter having been founded in 1788]; named in honour of Queen Victoria)
(d) Roma, Queensland
(The town was incorporated in 1867 and is named after Lady Diamantina Bowen (née Roma), the wife of Sir George Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of Queensland at the time)

(e) In the quotation 1 above: "Australia is likely to overtake Qatar as the world’s leading LNG exporter by 2020 (it is now fourth)."

(i) Australia World's Largest Coal Exporter, Fourth-Largest Liquefied Natural Gas Exporter. Energy Information Agency (EIA), US Department of Energy, Nov 25, 2011
(coal export in 2009: Australia>Indonesia>Russia>Columbia>South Africa>United>China); LNG export in 2010: Qatar>Indonesia>Malaysia>Australia>Nigeria>Tobago>Algeria)
(ii) natural gas by country
(All data is taken from CIA World Factbook; rankings of proven reserves, production, consumption, exports, and imports)
(iii) The preceding Wiki rankings are not out of date, for the latest CIA ranking for natural gas exports places Australia 11th.

Rank: Natural Gas--Exports. CIA World Factbook, current.
https://www.cia.gov/library/publ ... order/2183rank.html
(Russia>Norway>Qatar>European UnionCanada>Netherlands>Algeria>Indonesia>US>Malaysia>Australia>Trinidad and Tobago)

Take notice that Russia (to Europe and China) or Canada (to US), for example, exports natural gas itself through pipelines, not by LNG.

(f) Surat Basin
(a geological basin; The Surat Basin overlies parts of the Bowen Basin in southern Queensland
(g) Bowen Basins
(contains the largest coal reserves in Australia; was named for the Bowen River, itself named after Queensland's first Governor, Sir George Bowen)
(h) Gladstone, Queensland
(named after the British statesman William Ewart Gladstone [1809-1898; four-time British prime minister])

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