Part II
Roger Lowenstein, Early Lessons in Extravagance; 'America's First Great Depression' tells the story of how the U.S. dealt with the economic and political crisis that followed the Panic of 1837. Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2012. ... SJ_Books_LS_Books_8
(book review on Alasdair Roberts, America's First Great Depression; Economic crisis and politicaldisorder after the panic of 1837. Cornell Univ Press, 2012)
"In 1837, America's economy collapsed. The depression was severe, the first to be visited on the young republic. * * * in the 1840s they included Pennsylvania, Michigan and Mississippi. No fewer than eight states (and Florida, still a territory) defaulted on their bonds.
"The federal government, it is true, was small and inconsequential. 'Easily three-quarters of the federal workforce consisted of Post Office employees.' But state governments played an active part in development. * * * Taxes being unpopular, [state] legislatures preferred to fund such extravagance with debt. And 'no one had a clear idea of how much state governments were borrowing.' Basking in their ignorance, foreigners were eager to lend.
"In one state, Pennsylvania, annual interest charges ballooned to almost $2 million a year—twice as much as the state's yearly revenues.
"Roughly 60% of American cotton was shipped to Liverpool—trade that accounted for almost half of the value of US exports.
"Defaulting states did not begin to honor their debts until the mid-1840s—a few not until after the Civil War.
(a) The German, Jewish and Swedish surname Lowenstein: German löwe ‘lion’ + stein ‘stone.’
(b) have nothing on sb or sth:
"INFORMAL to not be as good as someone or something <He's a good player, but he's got nothing on his brother>"
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus ... othing-on-sb-or-sth
(c) affecting (adj): "evoking a strong emotional response"
All definitions are from unless otherwise specified.
(d) Samuel Bigger
(1802-1846; Indiana governor 1840-1843)
(e) The review mentions "American politics in the often-overlooked years after the Revolutionary generation had departed the scene. They were characterized by one-term presidents (Andrew Jackson was the sole exception)."
list of Presidents of the United States ... f_the_United_States
, which is summarized as follows:
John Quincy Adams.......1825-1829
Andrew Jackson..........1829-1837
Martin Van Buren........1837-1841
William Henry Harrison..1841-1841 (died when common cold turned into pneumonia)
Jophn Tyler.............1841-1845
James K Polk............1845-1849
Zachary Taylor..........1849-1850 (cause of death uncertain)
Millard Fillmore........1850-1853
Franklin Pierce.........1853-1857
James Buchanan..........1857-1861
(f) gull (vt; obsolete gull gullet): "to take advantage of (one who is foolish or unwary) : DECEIVE"
(g) Daniel Webster
(1782-1852; US senator from Massachusetts 1827-1841 and 1845-1850)
(h) Second Bank of the United States
(section 3 Bank's decline)
(i) New York Herald
(published by James Gordon Bennett, Sr; 1835-1924; at New York City)