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Looking Back on China's Economy 回顾胡主政后的经济

发表于 7-26-2012 10:38:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 白麦克, 记者来鸿:中国最后会变成什么样?  BBC Chinese, July 26, 2012.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... 25_fooc_china.shtml

, which is translated from

Michael Bristow, Is China in the Midst of an Unfinished Revolution?  BBC Chinese, July 16, 2012.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/progr ... pondent/9737645.stm
("The country's leaders have achieved amazing success in the last few years, bringing wealth and hope to a once poor nation. But what happens now? As I say goodbye to China, I am still not sure I know where the country's heading. I'm not sure its leaders or its people do either")

Note: The report stated, "In the far north of China, in a province called Heilongjiang, there is a small town called Double River Farm. As its name suggests, this is a place where two rivers meet, as they wind their way across a massive expanse of flat land."

(i) Double River Farm  黑龙江省 齐齐哈尔市 甘南县 双河农场
(ii) 齐齐哈尔市
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9 ... 8%E5%B0%94%E5%B8%82
(section 1 名称)

(2) 约翰·辛普森, 成功与失误:胡锦涛的政治遗产. BBC Chinese, July 20, 2012.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... son_hu_legacy.shtml

, which was translated from

John Simpson, Successes and Failures: Hu Jintao's Legacy. BBC, July 26, 2012.

Four consecutive paragraphs:

"the signs of lawlessness are everywhere.

"Two weeks ago, the old-fashioned suburb of Shiliuzhuang, in southern Beijing, was attacked at dawn by a fleet of bulldozers, and a small army of hired security men. Within hours the place was devastated.

"There had been no warning, and no consultation. The local authority had agreed to the area's destruction over the heads of the population; there will be a big redevelopment here, hugely profitable for some.

"But the people who have lived all their lives in Shiliuzhuang will receive little, and perhaps nothing.

(a) Shiliuzhuang  北京市丰台区南苑乡 石榴庄村
(b) robber baron (industrialist)
(combines the sense of criminal ("robber") and illegitimate aristocracy ("baron"); derives from the medieval German lords who charged tolls on ships traversing the Rhine)
(c) robber baron
(In medieval Europe, "the men who came to be known as robber barons (German: Raubritter) violated the structure under which tolls were collected on the Rhine either by charging higher tolls than the standard or by operating without authority from the Holy Roman Emperor altogether")

(3) Tom Orlik, Yuan Drags on Blue Chips. Wall Street Journal, July 24, 2012 (title in print; in the half page "Heard on the Street").
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 44330618441586.html


"In the first quarter of 2012, 31% of General Motors' net income came from China. Yum Brand's China division now contributes over half of global sales. China, meanwhile, accounted for 11% of Apple's 2011 net sales.

"From June 2005, when China allows its currency to edge upward, through 2011, the yuan rose a healthy 31% against dollars.

My comment: Contrast
(a) IMF承认人民币汇率已接近合理水平. BBC Chinese, July 25, 2012.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... 20725_imf_rmb.shtml
(b) Bob Davis and Lingling Wei, China Shifts Yuan's Course. Risking a Clash With US. Wall Street Jornal, July 26, 2012
(sentence 1: "China's central bank is starting to guide the yuan downward against the dollar")

There is no need to read the rest of either report.

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