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Some Niigata Residents Suspicious of Plan of a New, Sprawling China's Consulate

发表于 8-6-2012 15:36:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-6-2012 15:43 编辑

Yuka Hayashi, Friction as China Clout Grows in Japan. Wall Street Journal, Aug 6, 2012 (front page).
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... ?mod=googlenews_wsj

(a) Chinese edition:
中国在日影响力扩大引发日中摩擦. WSJ, Aug 6, 2012.
* City of Niigata 新潟市, capital of Niigata Prefecture 新潟県.
* The name 新潟, but its meaning, was recorded in 永禄7年(1564年). Ja.wikipedia.org
* kata 潟 【かた】(n): "lagoon"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary

(c) Shigenobu FUKAYA  深谷 成信

(d) The report states, "A bid by Japan's Fujitsu Ltd. 6702.TO +0.66% for a U.S. semiconductor company (later withdrawn) spawned a 1988 law giving the president authority to block foreign mergers and acquisitions seen as threatening national security."
* Yoffie DB, Foreign Direct Investment in Semiconductors, in Froot KA (ed), Foreign Direct Investment. University of Chicago Press, 1993.
("Acquisitions of non--start-up semiconductor companies in this second wave appear to have ended, at least temporarily, when political intervention prevented Japan's Fujitsu from buying a US-based firm, Fairchild Semiconductor, which was owned by a French company, Schlumberger, based in the Netherlands Antilles"; pp 209-210)
* Fairchild Semiconductor
(IS an American semiconductor company based in San Jose, California; Founded in 1957 as Fairchild Camera and Instrument [by Sherman Fairchild, 1896-1971, American]; After it was bought by Schlumberger[, an oil field services company, in 1979 for $425 million] and sold to National Semiconductor [in 1987 for $200 million], Fairchild was spun out as an independent company again in 1997)
* Lavey WG et al, US Foreign Investment Act: Impact on Asian Companies. AsiaLaw, pp 66-70, September, 2007
http://www.law.yale.edu/document ... eign_Invest_Act.pdf
("In 1988, amid concerns over foreign acquisitions of certain types of US firms, Congress passed the Exon-Florio Amendment to the Defense Production Act of 1950. This legislation grants the President the express authority to review and block foreign acquisitions of US businesses that threatened national security")

(f) Sanae TAKAICHI  高市 早苗
* sanae 早苗 【さなえ】 (n): "rice seedlings"
* nae 苗 【なえ】 (n): "seedling"

(g) Hiroyuki MORIYAMA  森山 浩行
(h) chinkoro  清国奴

The WSJ's Chinese edition does not translate chinkoro, but leaves it as is (in English).

(i) Mitsuru MIYAKE  三宅 満 (池袋西口商店街連合会の会長)
* Ikebukuro
(Around the station are the Seibu and Tōbu department stores. Seibu, written with the characters for "West" and "Musashi (province) 武蔵(国)" 西武, is on the east end of the station and Tōbu, written with the characters for "East" and "Musashi" 東武, is on the west end)
* 池袋
(池袋(いけぶくろ)は、東京都豊島区に属する池袋駅を中心とする副都心; section 5 繁華街: 東口, 西口, 北口, 南口)

translation of the first clause: Ikebukuro is a neighborhood around Ikebukuro Station 池袋駅.
* nishiguchi 西口【にしぐち】(n): "west entrance"

But in Ikebukuro, it is a proper name.

(j) Hiroo ONO   大野 裕夫 (新潟県 副知事 deputy or vice governor)
(k) Kaoru SASAKI  佐々木 薰 (新潟市議会議員)
(l) Tadanobu BANDO  坂東 忠信 (The WSJ Chinese edition incorrectly uses 阪东 忠信, the difference is the first character, though both characters mens the same in Japanese)
* tada 直 【ただ】 (adj-na): "(archaic) straight; direct"
(m) Yoshiaki KOBAYSHI  小林よしあき or こばやし義昭  (WSJ's Chinese edition has 小林 義昭 instead)


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