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加拿大华裔女子肢解案 警方逮捕凶嫌

发表于 8-28-2012 09:50:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Aug 27, 2012
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... hinese_arrest.shtml


(2) Kathleen E McLaughlin, Guang Hua Liu: In Changle, China, Murdered Woman’s Parents Remember Their 'kind' Child. Toronto Star, Aug 28, 2012.
http://www.thestar.com/news/worl ... er-their-kind-child

(a) Quote:

(i) "Liu’s real name was Liu Guanhua, not Liu Guanghua. A decade-old error in transliterating a Chinese name into approximate English on a refugee application form in Canada distorted Guanhua’s given name. The single letter altered its meaning in Chinese.

(ii) "Liu Guanhua’s journey from Changle to Toronto began after a divorce, a second marriage and three children. She had a son with her first husband, then was allowed to have another with her second husband. It was her unplanned third baby who drew the attention of the local family planning committee, which is charged, on a local level, with carrying out China’s one-child-per-family rule.

"Upon learning she was pregnant a third time, Liu went into hiding for a year, her parents say. She gave birth out of sight of officials and kept the baby a secret as long as she could. The family planning bureau eventually learned of the child and imposed a steep penalty, one Liu was unable to pay.

"(In her refugee claim, the Star has reported, Liu also claimed that she was being forced into an unwanted sterilization.)

"Instead, Liu chose instead to run [and in 2002 paid a snakehead about $60,000], her path leading her first to Taiwan, then Thailand, then to Vancouver.

(iii) "The youngest daughter [Guanhua's younger sister] moved to the United States, marrying one of the earlier generation of Changle emigrants. Liu Guanhua could not be persuaded to stay. She planned to flee, followed by her husband and three sons. They all remain in Canada.

(iv) "From the stories they tell of their outgoing, vivacious daughter, she never really managed to get her head above water in Canada. And she probably never told them all about the hardships of her life abroad.

"Her parents spoke of her working long hours in clothing and DVD factories in Canada, during a period when Canadians who knew her suggest she was working in body rub parlours.

"They last saw Liu Guanhua at Chinese New Year this spring, when she returned home to Changle for the first time in 10 years. 'She looked very well and so happy,” recalls her father. “We thought her life in Canada must be good.'

(v) "When Liu left in 2002 with just a middle-school education, Changle, a suburb of bustling Fuzhou, was already a prolific exporter of people. By some estimates, there are 400,000 ethnic Chinese expatriates scattered around the world from Changle, a place with fewer than one million residents.

(a) Changle  福建省福州市 长乐市

(section 5 Administrative_divisions)  
(b) The report also states, "When the parents talked with the Star, they did not yet know a suspect had been charged in the murder of their daughter. Toronto’s Chun Qi Jiang, 40, appeared in Brampton court Monday morning."

However, other reports spells the suspect's name differently: (i) "Jiang Chunqi" by Globe and Mail (Toronto), and (ii) "Qi Jiang" by Daily Mail (London).

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