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发表于 9-6-2012 06:45:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
大卫•威利, 记者来鸿:一次非同寻常的北京之行. BBC Chinese, Sept 5, 2012
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... ordinary_trip.shtml

My comment:
(a) The report states, "李将军还曾短暂出任中华民国的代总统呢!1948年,毛泽东成为中国领导人之前不久,中国的政局翻天覆地,蒋介石辞去了总统职务。" In fact, President Chiang Kai-shek stepped down in January 1949--not 1948.

(b) The report also says, "他们告诉我,溥仪还曾经被关押在俄国。"

(i) Aisin-Gioro Puyi  愛新覺羅.溥儀 (1906-1967; reign in Qing dynasty 1908-1912)
(ii) This is what zh.wikipedia.org has to say about him in this regard:

"At the end of World War II, Puyi was captured by the Soviet Red Army on 16 August 1945 while he was in an airplane fleeing to Japan. The Soviets took him to the Siberian town of Chita. He lived in a sanatorium, but was later taken to Khabarovsk near the Chinese border.

"In 1946, he testified at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo, detailing his resentment of how he had been treated by the Japanese.

"When the Chinese Communist Party under Mao Zedong came to power in 1949, Puyi was repatriated to China after negotiations between the Soviet Union and China. Except for a period during the Korean War, when he was moved to Harbin, Puyi spent ten years in the Fushun War Criminals Management Centre in Liaoning province until he was declared reformed. Puyi came to Peking in 1959 with special permission from Chairman Mao Zedong and lived the next six months in an ordinary Peking residence with his sister before being transferred to a government-sponsored hotel. He voiced his support for the Communists and worked at the Peking Botanical Gardens.

(iii) This is what zh.wikipedia.org has to say about him in this regard:


"1945年8月19日,溥仪在瀋陽東塔機場候機時,准备前往日本时,為空降的蘇聯紅軍逮捕。溥儀被帶到蘇聯境內,先後被拘押在赤塔 [Chita]、伯力 [Khabarovsk] 監獄。然而,在拘留所裡受到優厚的待遇,令溥儀多次上書向蘇聯表示願意永久居留蘇聯,请求加入苏联共产党,但也有推測認為有可能是溥儀害怕日後追究責任,故而申請永居。在蘇聯拘押期間,曾作為證人出席遠東國際軍事法庭。證言中,聲稱自己在任滿洲國皇帝期間,完全為日本佔領當局擺佈,沒有人身自由,也沒有做為滿洲國元首相應的權力和尊嚴,是自己被日本關東軍脅持到內滿洲的。但是,被轉交給中華人民共和國政府後,溥儀承認由於懼怕日後被中國政府追究,作證時將部分責任推卸給日本方面(含如何到達內滿洲),在部分涉及雙方責任的地方皆有所保留。

"1950年8月1日,溥儀與其他滿洲國263名'戰犯,' 在绥芬河由蘇聯政府移交給中国政府,送撫順戰犯管理所受到約十年的思想再教育與劳动改造。此時,他的編號是981。

(v) 哈巴罗夫斯克(伯力)
(清朝时称伯力(满语 :Bohori); 據《滿洲源流考》卷11《疆域》載:“博和哩,滿洲語,豌豆也;” 1858年,俄国沙皇亞歷山大二世派遣東西伯利亞總督穆拉維約夫侵佔中國黑龍江沿岸並在此設軍事哨所。穆拉維約夫爲吹捧俄國十七世紀的侵華急先鋒叶罗费·帕夫洛维奇·哈巴罗夫在遠東地區的“考察”功績,將伯力改稱爲“哈巴羅夫卡。" 隨著居民點的擴大,1883年10月又改爲“哈巴羅夫斯克”)

Well, en.wikipedia.org in the page of "Khabarovsk" says only: "The Russians founded the military outpost of Khabarovka, named after a Russian explorer Yerofey Khabarov [1603-1671]. The post later became an important industrial center for the region [called Khabarovsk]
(vi) Suifenhe 黑龙江省 绥芬河市
(vii) For 绥芬河 (the river), see Razdolnaya River
(Razdolnaya River flows into Amur Bay ["Vladivostok is situated on the eastern coast of the bay"  from Wiki page for the bay])

There is a map showing the river, at page 100 of
Chap 2 Drainage Basins of the Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan  
http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/D ... tIV_Chapter2_En.pdf
, in section 2 of the book
First Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ENECE), December 2007.

(c) The author writes, "后来沿着长江参观期间,我们看到正在修建的计划中世界最长的铁路大桥。长江三角洲上人潮涌动、热火朝天,我几乎看不到多少机械化。"

The English report (see (e) below) says correspondingly: "Later, during an excursion along the Yangtze river, we saw what was planned to be one of the world's longest railway bridges under construction. The river delta was a hive of human activity. I saw little mechanisation."

Yangtze River bridges and tunnels
(section 2 List of existing bridges and tunnels on the Yangtze (between Yibin and Shanghai): Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge 南京长江大桥 construction began 1960, began operation 1968, total length (m) 6772, main bridge length (m) 1577)

(d) The report quotes an unidentified woman as saying, “我记得李宗仁。你知道吗,回到中国后没多久,他就去世了。"

LI Zongre 李 宗仁 (1890-1969)
(e) The report is translated from

David Willey, Beijing Revisited After Half a Century. BBC, Sept 4, 2012.

Tell you what. The English original has more text, photos--and a video clip to boot.

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