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CCP's Elders Come in from the Cold

发表于 9-7-2012 08:00:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
come in from the cold: "to come out of exile, isolation, etc.; resume an active role"
http://www.collinsdictionary.com ... me-in-from-the-cold

Jeremy Page, Chinese Party Elders Step Back in; Former Leaders maneuver to promote protégés, weigh in on what to do with Bo Xilai; Policy making becomes unwieldy. Wall Street Journal, Sept 7, 2012.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 31932672679296.html


(a) "Mr Hu and Premier Wen Jiabao are thought to have led a group favoring harsher treatment for Mr. Bo because of his maverick policies in Chongqing, which included a Maoist revival movement. Messrs Hu and Wen enjoy the support of Song Ping 宋平, who at 95 is the second oldest of the former Standing Committee members, as well as Li Ruihuan, another elder with whom they share a background in the Communist Youth League.

(b) "Mr Jiang [Zemin] almost certainly argued against a broader investigation into Mr Bo's past and business interests because that could have incriminated either Mr. Jiang himself or the many allies whom he helped to install in the new leadership when he retired, the analysts said.

"Mr Qiao [Shi], on the other hand, favored a fuller investigation of Mr Bo's alleged power abuses, according to several party insiders. That is in part because Bo Yibo helped Mr. Jiang oust Mr Qiao from the Standing Committee in 1997 by lowering an unofficial retirement age to 70 for all leaders—except Mr Jiang himself.

Note: The print stops at "Mr Jiang himself" but the Web version continues a bit more.

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