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Global Times Published Photos of J-15s’ Touch-and-Go on Carrier

发表于 10-18-2012 14:48:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Andrew Erickson and Gabe Collins, Delicate Touch: Flight Operations Begin on China’s First Aircraft Carrier. China Real Time, Oct 17, 2012.
http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealti ... t-aircraft-carrier/

My comment:
(a) The commentary provides a link to 腾讯新闻 for:
辽宁号航母舰载机完成触舰复飞. 环球网, Oct 15, 2012.

A photo caption read, "直8舰载机在辽宁号甲板上进行起降,身穿各色马甲的工作人员在前方跨立." At last I know what 马甲 is (a vest, that is), after reading Chinese posting for about 14 years. Taiwan did not have such a term, when I left the place in 1984.
(b) The blog actually is based on
中国舰载机试飞作业曝光:至少两架歼15参与. 环球网, Oct 15, 2012.
(c) Another report from Huangqiu:
专家谈舰载机触舰复飞 离真实着舰仍有差距. 环球时报, Oct 16, 2012.
(d) Personally I think there is no need to read the WSJ blog (after all, Huanqiu conceded from the outset that it was a touch-and-go, not a launch fro the carrier deck), except for a second link it provides:
Su-33 of the Russian Admiral Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier. YouTube.com, uploaded by SilverTaurus22 on Jun 20, 2009.

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