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中共十八大前夕 军方高层连续调整

发表于 10-23-2012 08:27:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Oct 23, 2012
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... litary_change.shtml
("在香港的中国问题专家林和立接受BBC中文网采访时说,根据北京的消息来源,习近平不愿意看到胡锦涛继续留任军委主席。而胡锦涛希望仿照江泽民,在十八大交班后仍保留军委主席职务两年 * * * 目前看来,这一问题还没有解决。 * * * 有消息说,江泽民和习近平关系比较近,如果他们两人联手施加压力,胡锦涛卸任军委主席的可能性还是存在的")

(2) 东京影展坚持播出退展中国影片. BBC Chinese, Oct 23, 2012.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... _film_protest.shtml

(a) Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF)  第25回東京国際映画祭
(b) 中国影片《万箭穿心》(日本称《风水》)

* fūshui 風水 【ふうすい】 (n): "Chinese geomancy; feng shui"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary
(c) 都島 信成  Nobushige TOSHIMA

* The 風 in (b) and 島 in (c) are Kanji.

(3) 加洛, 奥巴马称中国为对手 可能暗示美中关系实质. VOA Chinese, Oct 23, 2012.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 121023/1531672.html

, which is translated from
William Gallo, Obama Debate Language Hints at Nature of China Relationship. VOA, Oct 23, 2012.
http://www.voanews.com/content/o ... -china/1531559.html

two consecutive paragraphs:

"Some observers say President Barack Obama may have revealed his true feelings on the pivot at a presidential debate Monday with his Republican rival, Mitt Romney.  During an extended segment dedicated to 'The Rise of China and Tomorrow's World,' Obama took the unusual step of referring to China as an adversary.

"'China is both an adversary, but also a potential partner in the international community if it is following the rules,' said President Obama. Some observers viewed the comment as unusually harsh language coming from a president who has overseen a policy of diplomatic engagement with China since coming to office four years ago")

Note: The Italian and Spanish surname Gallo means rooster in both languages (from Latin gallus).

(4) 8万官员2年主动上交近8亿贿款 清廉还是贪婪?  VOA Chinese, Oct 23, 2012.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 121023/1531458.html

(5) 莫赛尔, 中国领军财团买下世界最大农场. VOA Chinese, Oct 22, 2012
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 121022/1531135.html

. which is translated from

Phil Mercer, Chinese Group Buys Huge Farm in Australia. VOA, Oct 15, 2012.
http://www.voanews.com/content/c ... tralia/1526700.html

(a) The English surname Mercer refers to a trader, from Old French mercier, Late Latin mercarius. In Middle English the term was applied particularly to someone who dealt in textiles, especially the more costly and luxurious fabrics such as silks, satin, and velvet.
(b) The previous owner of Cubbie Station is Cubbie Group Ltd.
(c) The new owner is a consortium led by Shandong RuYi Scientific & Technological Group Co Ltd 山东如意科技集团. See
山东如意集团 (Shandong RuYi Group; 山东省济宁市).

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