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CHEN Deming 陈 德铭

发表于 11-19-2012 09:22:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Keith Bradhser, Change in Negotiators Shakes Up US-China Trade Policy; A demotion in Beijing 'does not bode wel,' one expert says. New York Times, Nov 19, 2012.
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/1 ... de-negotiators.html

(a) The report mentions "He Weiwen, the co-director of the China-US/EU Study Center at the China Association of International Trade in Beijing"
中国国际贸易学会 (CAIT) 中美欧研究中心 主任 何 伟文
(b) The report states, "There are two leading candidates to become the next commerce minister * * * One of the contenders is Gao Hucheng, Mr. Chen’s deputy at the Commerce Ministry, and the other is Huang Xingguo, the mayor of Tianjin."
(i) GAO Hucheng  高 虎城
(ii) HUANG Xingguo  黄 兴国
(c) The report says Mr Zhang [Gaoli] "is expected to become the executive vice premier overseeing day-to-day economic policy at the National People’s Congress in March."

(2) Edward Wong, Family Ties and Hobnobbing Trump Merit at China Helm. New York Times, Nov 18, 2012
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/1 ... power-in-china.html
(“'In China, if I promote you, then on major issues you’re supposed to heed me,' said one former official and Youth League member. 'I’ve seen it myself. When people make decisions now, people don’t refer to principles or ideals, but to what will benefit their boss'”)

(a) hobnob (vi; from the obsolete phrase drink hobnob to drink alternately to one another; First Known Use 1813):
"1 archaic : to drink sociably
2: to associate familiarly"
(not listed as a noun)
(b) hobnob (earlier habnab, lit., to have and not have < ME habben, to have + nabben (< ne habben), not to have, esp. with reference to alternation in drinking):
1. (rare) at random

intransitive verb
2. (rare) to drink together
3. to be on close terms (with someone); associate in a familiar way

4.(rare) a friendly chat"
Collins American English dictionary
http://www.collinsdictionary.com ... owCookiePolicy=true

(3) 得票最少?不怕。习近平也曾有过. VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2012.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 121119/1548744.html

three consecuttive paragraphs:




(4) 民运人士及西藏代表谈中国领导人更替. VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2012
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 121119/1548661.html
(all overseas: 张博树, 高文谦, 于大海, 项小吉, and 达赖喇嘛驻北美代表处中国事务联络员 贡嘎札西)

(5) 鲍彤八十贺寿会 叙谈十八大观感. VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2012
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 121119/1548656.html
("中国20多位知名异议人士和学者星期天 [Nov 18] 在北京为因六四事件入狱的前中共总书记赵紫阳的秘书鲍彤补办祝寿聚会。虽然公安和国保在现场监控,但是并没有阻止或干预。今年11月5日是中共13大中央委员、前中共中央政治体制改革研究室主任、中央政治局常委秘书鲍彤的80寿辰。由于正赶上中共十八大前夕,无法庆祝,鲍彤只得将聚会改在十八大以后"/ 对新领导层有期待)

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