本帖最后由 choi 于 11-29-2012 12:28 编辑
BBC Chinese, Nov 24, 2012.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... ja_extinction.shtml
(a) daimyo 大名 【だいみょう】 (n): "Japanese feudal lord"
(b) ninja 忍者/ ninjutsu 忍術
(c) 川上 仁一 Jinichi KAWAKAMI
(d) 甲賀や伊賀
(i) 伊賀流
translation: The igaryū came from Iga-no-kuni 伊賀国; alongside with 甲賀流 has been one of the most famous ninjutsu schools; and is now based at Cities of Iga and [its southern neighbor] Nabari.
* kuni 国
(ii) 甲賀流
(甲賀流(こうかりゅう、こうがりゅう)とは、近江国甲賀の地に伝わっていた忍術流派の総称; 甲賀は本来「こうか」と読み、地名に因る名称であるが、忍術に関してのみ「こうが」との誤読が一般的となっている)
translation: The kōkaryū/ kogaryū came from 甲賀 place of 近江国 (おうみのくに; Ōmi-no-kuni); 甲賀 as the place name was pronounced "kōka" but, when limited to ninjutsu only, has become common to be mispronounced as "kōga."
* There is City of Kōka, Shiga Prefecture 滋賀県 甲賀市.
The prefecure surrounds Lake Biwa 琵琶湖 (a fresh-water lake that gave the name to 近江国).
(e) The report said, "甲贺流忍术伴家忍第21代宗家川上仁一是日本公认唯一在世的忍术大师."
伴家. Weblio, undated.
("日本人苗字[:] 伴家;番家; 「banke」を含む例文一覧[:] He claims he is a successor of Banke Shinobi no Den (a type of ninjutsu) of Koga school and the twenty-first headmaster of Koga school. 賀流の伴家忍之伝の継承者で甲賀流伴党21代目を称している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス [Corpus]")
(i) myoji 名字; 苗字 【みょうじ】 (n): "surname; family name"
Remember "daimyo" in (a)? The Chinese pronunciations of kanji 名 and 苗 are pronounced the same.
(ii) The "nin" and "shinobu" are Chinese and Japanese pronunciations of the kanji 忍.
(f) 初见良昭自称为户隐流
(i) 初見 良昭 Masaaki HATSUMI
(formerly Yoshiaki HATSUMI)
* kakusu 隠す 【かくす】 (vt): "to hide; to conceal"
kakureru 隠れる 【かくれる】 (vi): "to be hidden"
* 戸隠流
(pronounced as Togakushi-ryū or Togakure-ryū とがくしりゅう、とがくれりゅう; 平安時代末期、戸隠山で修験道を学び、木曾義仲に仕えた仁科大助(戸隠大助)が始祖)
translation: Founded by 仁科大助(戸隠大助) in the final years of Heian period (794- 1185/1192), who learned asceticism at Mount Togakushi and served under KISO Yoshinaga [also known as 源 義仲 Minamoto no Yoshinaga].
(iii) 武神館 Bujinkan
(2) Mariko Oi, Is this man Japan's last true ninja? BBC, Nov 21, 2012 (video).
(a) shuriken 手裏剣 【しゅりけん】 (n): "shuriken; small throwing blade; small edged weapon often used for throwing; throwing star"
(photo captions: 棒手裏剣; 十字手裏剣)
(b) fukiya 吹き矢; 吹矢 【ふきや】 (n): "blowgun; blowpipe"
(3) Mariko Oi, Japan's Ninjas Heading for Extinction. BBC, Nov 22, 2012.