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发表于 1-10-2013 12:34:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Melanie Kirkpatrick, The art of Resilience; Ping Fu endured gang-rape and political prison in China before arriving onour shores and founding her own high-tech firm. Wall Street Journal, Jan 9, 2013
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 16592019995664.html
(book review on Ping Fu with MeiMei, Bend, Not Break; A in two world
Where Salt Lurks on Restaurant Menus. Portfolio Penguin, 201**)

(a) Ping FU (born in 1958 in Nanjing; In 1988 graduated with a BS and MS in computer science from UCSD; met her future husband at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; was married to Herbert Edelsbrunner [born in 1958 in Graz, Austria; received PhD in 1982 in 1991 from a university of his hometown] and they divorced in 2008)
(i) Ms Fu and her then-husband co-founded Geomagic.
(ii) 华裔女企业家谈旁听国情咨文感受. VOA Chinese, Jan 29, 2010
http://www.voafanti.com/gate/gb/ ... intview/460456.html
(傅苹; Geomagic 杰魔软件公司)

(b) Geomagic
(a 3-D software company; founded in 1997; headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC)
(a) According to company website, currently Ms Fu is CEO and a director; Mr Edelsbrunner is in neither management team or board of directors.
(b) Biographical Information. Department of Computer Science, Duke University, undated
(Herbert Edelsbrunner: Professor a the Institute of Science and Technology Austria [IST Austria; located at Vienna woods]; Professor of Mathematics at Duke University 2004-present)
(c) Dictinary of American Family Names does not have an entry for Edelsbrunner, but have the following.
(i) The German surname Edel is "status name from Middle High German edel ‘noble’" (The "edel" in Edelman--Edelmann in Germany--also means "noble.")
(ii) The German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) surname Brunner means "someone who lived beside a spring or well, Middle High German brun(ne) ‘spring.’"


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 楼主| 发表于 1-16-2013 13:30:06 | 只看该作者
An executive memoir | The World is 3D. Economist, Jan 12, 2013 http://www.economist.com/news/bu ... y/21569367-world-3d
("Today she lives in North Carolina, and last week agreed to sell her company, Geomagic, to 3D Systems, one of the biggest producers of 3D printers, where she will become chief strategy officer")

(a) The 3d Systems made the announcement of acquisition on Jan 3, 2013. which did not include the purchase price.
(b) But Geomagic is a very small company: "No recent revenue numbers for Geomgic has been released. INC Magazine reported Geomagic's sales were in excess of $12 million five years ago."
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