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Portrait of Mr Stern Hu

发表于 7-25-2009 07:24:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Gordon Fairclough, Rio Tinto Sales Executive Found Success in China's Changes. Wall Street Journal, July 25, 2009.


"Last year * * * China spent more than $57 billion on iron ore and the freight costs of bringing it to China -- equivalent to more than 1% of the nation's gross domestic product. In 2002, it spent less than $3 billion on iron ore.

(a) mien (n) [by shortening & alteration from demean]: "air or bearing"
(b) abstemious (adj):  "marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol"

All English definitions in this posting come from www.m-w.com.  

(1) “马网友英九”与台湾民众网路沟通. VOA Chinese, July 25, 2009

My comment: Mawkish.*

* an adjective that means "sickly or puerilely sentimental."

(2) Teng Biao, Op-ed: The Law On Trial In China. Washington Post, July 25, 2009.

(3) Ariana Eunjung Cha, China, Uighur Groups Give Conflicting Riot Accounts. Washington Post, July 25, 2009.


"But few details are clear, and many witnesses who might be able to answer other questions -- Who set off the initial violence? Why were the police unable to stop the attacks? -- are either in jail or dead.

"The Chinese government, after decades of covering up and denying such incidents, has a major trust problem, many analysts say. Chinese officials have said they will release video footage of the attacks, phone records and other evidence to support their view of the events in Urumqi, but have not yet done so.

"[Rebiya] Kadeer's version of events appears to have gained traction abroad

A scholar in China lamented that "Chinese government inadvertently elevated Kadeer's status and gave her an audience that she does not deserve. Beijing has accused Kadeer of being the 'mastermind' behind the clashes in Urumqi, accusations she denies. 'The government should haven't portrayed her as a hero by condemning her. She was unknown at first, and she is a well-known person in the world right now,' [Professor] Zhan [Jiang] said.

My comment:
(a) The report states, "A top Iranian cleric condemned China for 'horribly' suppressing the community."

Robert F. Worth, Clerics Fault a Mute Iran as Muslims Die in China. New York Times, July 14, 2009.

(b) China Youth University for Political Sciences 中国青年政治学院 (at Beijing)


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