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Tesla Roadster

发表于 7-25-2009 10:28:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

John Reed, Elon Musk’s ground-breaking electric car. Financial Times, July 25, 2009
("If Tesla turns a profit in July, as he says it will, Musk will have accomplished something extraordinary in a business where the odds are stacked solidly in favour of incumbents")

(a) Elon Musk
("went to graduate program in physics at Stanford, in which he stayed exactly two days before dropping out to start Zip2" and later PayPal)

Mr. Musk is a billionaire. Tesla was out of cash in 2004, needed more and more investments from Musk, who took over the car maker and ousted the founders.

(b) bon vivant (n) [French, literally, good liver; plural bons vivants or bon vivants]: "a person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes especially with respect to food and drink"
(c) spoken for

Check under "speak" (vi): "to make a request or claim —used with for —usually used in passive constructions"
(d) Lotus Elise
(e) interlocutor (n): "one who takes part in dialogue or conversation"
(f) "in administration": British to mean in bankruptcy administration
(g) marque (n) [French for "mark"]: brand
(h) annus horribilis (n) {new Latin]: "a disastrous or unfortunate year" (accent should be placed on "ri")
(i) pot-shotting
The verb is derived from the noun potshot: "a critical remark made in a random or sporadic manner."
(j) The "sweat" in "His sweating of details" (vt): " to manipulate or produce by hard work or drudgery"
(k) For "swing for the fences," check
swing for the fence

My comment: The $465m come from federal government's economic stimulus that costs more than $1 trillion. Without the $465m, Tesla can not afford to build facility to build (the new) sedans/model S. I have no complaint, however: Tesla makes motors in Taiwan for both roadster and sedan.


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