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Technology: Apple Tablet

发表于 7-28-2009 11:27:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

In addition to a report titled "Apple joins forces with record labels " by the same reporters, Financial Times (FT) yesterday has another report:

Joseph Menn, Matthew Garrahan and Kenneth Li, Apple targets new player revolution; December launch for entertainment tablet; Deals aim to bolster music sales. FT, July 27, 2009.

My comment: It all makes sense.
(a) Half a year ago, rumors from taiwan indicates ODMs there are taking order from Apple and that Apple was buying touch screens of a small size. At the time, the interpretation was that Apple was to enter wetbook market. Looking back, if those rumors are correct, the right interpretation is Apple was making tablets.

(2) A month ago, I read

Adam L Penenberg, The Evolution of Amazon; By introducing the Kindle, Jeff Bezos is emulating Steve Jobs -- and taking him on. The fast Company, Jult/August, 2009.

Which is a cover story whose cover states: "Amazon Taps Its Inner Apple; How Jeff Bezos Is Taking a Page From Steve Jobs Playbook." (To see the cover itself, go to the home page http://www.fastcompany.com.)

This is a funny and isghtful article. If you have no time, start at page 4 with the paragraph "This is where Amazon, with very little experience in designing and building electronics, is weakest -- and where Apple could sabotage Bezos's best-laid plans."

Note: poobah (n): "Origin: 1880–85; after a character in Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, who holds all of the high offices of state simultaneously and uses them for personal gain." Random House dictionary.


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