“地陷海升”威胁中国三大三角洲. BBC Chinese, Sept. 21, 2009.
(a) The English version of BBC has a report which is similar but broader--rather than focusing on China.
Richard Black, 'Millions at risk' as deltas sink. Sept. 21, 2009.
The Black's report includes a table that lists Tone. There is a river around Tokyo called
Tone River 利根川 Tonegawa
When Dr. Tonegawa Susumu 利根川 進 was awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1987, my Japanese colleague was amused by the fact that there was actually a river in Japan called Tonegawa. This is it.
(b) The reports cite
Albert Kettner, Press release: World's river deltas sinking due to human activity, says new study led by CU-Boulder; 24 of world's 33 major deltas sinking, 85 percent have experienced severe flooding recently. Sept. 20, 2009.
My comment: I was surprised that New Orleans and its surroundings are under sea level. Today I am surprised that much of Pearl Delta is under sea level.
(c) This research is not conducted on Taiwan.
(1) 习近平晋升军委副主席?中共未公布 引各界关注. VOA Chinese, Sept. 21, 2009.
"金钟为主编的 [香港] 开放杂志在最近一期发表了来自北京的一篇报导,说习近平今年夏天曾经向政治局常委致函,信的大意是,自己来中央工作不堪重负,想来想去还是觉得在地方工作更适合, 也就是说,他不想做下一任接班人。
Note: The September issue (current issue is October) is featured in the web site of
開放雜誌 Open Magazine
(including the article at issue, title: 習近平欲辭接班人, author: 汪海濤)
(2) 十一前夕中国推出蓝盾过滤软件. VOA Chinese, Sept. 21, 2009.
(3) 亚行批准有政治争议的印度贷款申请. VOA Chinese, Sept. 21, 2009.
("亚行:不予评论 莫谈政治")