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A Taiwanese Bike Maker in China

发表于 10-1-2009 09:51:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) Andrew Batson, China Inc. Looks Homeward as U.S. Shoppers Turn Frugal. Wall Street Journal, Sept. 30, 2009.

(a) Note:
(i) Tandem Industries 廣東天任車料有限公司
(ii) Tom Tseng 曾伟立
(iii) Shunde 順德區 (中國廣東省佛山市市轄區之一)

(b) Quote:

"China's exports, after growing for years at a steady 20%-plus rate, recorded a year-over-year drop last November. They kept falling, and in August were down 23% from a year earlier.*

(* My comment: Taiwan is about the same.)

"The consumers of the U.S. and Europe each pump more than $9.5 trillion a year into the global economy, even at their current recession-diminished pace. China's much poorer households spent in aggregate just over $1.5 trillion last year. Per-capita disposable income in the U.S. was $35,486 in 2008, versus $2,270 in China. So even such a huge and growing country is in no position to replace the U.S. and Europe as an engine of global growth.

"The company [doll-maker Mei Ye Plastic Products Co.] had some initial hiccups. For the domestic market, the designers' first instinct was to make the dolls with yellow-toned skin and black hair, to match their Chinese owners. The response wasn't so good: It turned out many Chinese girls preferred dolls with pink skin and blond hair.

My further comment: The second quotation states in part, China has per-capita disposable income of $2,270. However, an article in the current issue of BusinessWeek says differently. See

(2) Carol Matlack, The Peril and Promise of Investing in Russia. It's still risky, but for global corporations, the country is simply too big—and too rich—to ignore. BusinessWeek, Oct. 5, 2009 (cover date).
(Foreign investments are uneven in Russia. St. Petersberg got a lot. "In contrast, the area around Vladivostok, in Russia's Far East—despite its strategically attractive proximity to China, Japan, and the western U.S.—has drawn little foreign investment. A reputation for corruption clings to the city, cemented in part by the arrests of two former mayors of Vladivostok on charges of abusing the office for personal gain.")

Note: The above quote and the illustration (with heading "Annual Disposal Household Income 2008" which shows China had mere $1,641) are the only two places in the BusinessWeek article that mention China.

(1) 中国经济60年(9):从GDP看国富民穷的中国.
("中国国内生产总值(GDP)总量2008年达到3.37万亿美元,超过德国3.28万亿,排名世界第三。美国的GDP总量是14万亿美元,日本是 5.29万亿美元,继续位居前两名。* * * 中国国家统计局前局长李德水今年3月透露,中国人均GDP2008年终于突破3000美元")

My comment: Wasn't the official figure for 2008 $4.4 trillion? See
China's GDP grows by seven-year low of 9% in 2008. Xinhua, Jan. 22, 2009
("Gross domestic product (GDP) reached 30.067 trillion yuan (4.4216 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2008, Ma Jiantang, director of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), told a press conference")

(2) 中国国庆六十年:五人谈酸甜苦辣.
("杨德禄 * * * 现在则是北京乡居楼酒家和南官庄园的老板,有600亩耕地,要在过去也算得上是大地主了。他儿子曾在荷兰留学,还娶回一个荷兰媳妇。")

(3) 温家宝警告经济发展道路崎岖将强化经济政策.

My comment:
(a) 多晶硅 polycrystalline thin-film used in photovoltaics (solar cells)
(b) Ten days ago, Financial Times has an illustration about steel production worldwide. I lost it and will present it tomorrow.

(3) Jessie Jiang, Campaigner: Sheri Liao; Turning China Green --Without making Beijing see Red. Time, Oct. 5, 2009 (cover date).

Note: Sheri Liao 廖晓义女士

(4) 分析中国武器研发的四个特点. VOA Chinese, Oct. 1, 2009.

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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2009 16:18:14 | 只看该作者

Re: A Taiwanese Bike Maker in China


The illustration in Wall Street Journal (about the bike maker) is small.

This is what it says:

"Room to Grow

(i) left panel:

"Despite recent growth, china's household spending remains low relative to rich countries ...

Europe $6.81 trillion
US 6.68
Japan 1.99
South America 0.88
China 0.78
Africa 0.56

(ii) right panel:

"...and it remains a small share of the country's overall economy

South America 63.0
Africa 61.9
Europe 58.3
Japan 52.1
China 36.7

Source: United Nations
Note: data for 2007

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) Andrew Batson, China Inc. Looks Homeward as U.S. Shoppers Turn Frugal. Wall Street Journal, Sept. 30, 2009.
: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125417559519247515.html
: (a) Note:
: (i) Tandem Industries 廣東天任車料有限公司
: (以下引言省略...)

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