(1) Matthew Dolan, Ex-Ford Worker Indicted in Secrets Thef. Wall Street Journal, Oct. 16, 2009.
(a) Xiang Dong YU's Chinese name is unclear.
(b) Chongqing Huafu Industry Co 重庆华孚工业股份有限公司
US Attorney for Eastern District of Michigan (covering Detroit and surrounding area) had a July 5, 2006 press release announcing indictment of Metaldyne's former employees:
(i) Anne Lockwood, Vice President for Sales;
(ii) her husband Michael Haehnel, a senior engineer; and
(iii) Fuping Liu, working out of company's Shanghai office until 2004.
The same office had another press release dated Feb. 13, 2009 announcing--following all three's guilty pleas on Sept. 15, 2008-- sentence for
(i) Ms. Lockhood: 30 months in prison followed by two years of supervised release;
(ii) Mr. Liu: 9 months in prison followed by two years of supervised release;
(iii) Mr. Haehnel: 18 months' probation including 6 months' incarnation followed by 6 months' house arrest under a daily curfew from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
人物特写:中共谍报员涂作潮(上). VOA Chinese, Oct. 12, 2009.
中共谍报员涂作潮(下):新政权下苦难多. VOA Chinese, Oct. 13, 2009