Sharon LaFraniere and Jonathan Ansfield, The Saturday Profile: At 86, a Liberal-Minded Party Elder Is Still Jousting With China’s Censors. New York Times, Oct. 17, 2009.
(a) Du Daozheng 杜导正
(b) to foist (vt.): "to introduce or insert surreptitiously" www.m-w.com
(c) Yanhuang Chunqiu 炎黄春秋杂志社
(1) Melanie Trottman, U.S. to Press China on Drywall; Top Consumer Safety Official Will Ask Beijing to Help Pay for Damage to Home. Wall Street Journal, Oct. 16, 2009
(Chairwoman Inez Tenenbaum of a federal agency Consumer Product Safety Commission)
My comment: there is no need to read the rest, for wwe all know what is going on.
(a) Matt Moore and Mary MacPherson Lane, German book fair head defends choice of China. Associated Press, Oct. 14, 2009
("The event's previous special guests - Turkey in 2008, Korea in 2005 and the Arab World in 2004 - drew similar outcry.")
(a) Ma Jian/Beijing Coma 马建/北京植物人
(b) Dagmar Yu-Dembski 余德美
(c) Yu Hua/Brothers 余华/兄弟
(b) 中国言论自由问题成为法兰克福书展焦点. VOA Chinese, Oct. 17, 2009.
"在上个周末书展的一项名为'中国与世界--感受与现实'的讨论会,邀请了中国代表和异议作家戴晴及贝岭发言。戴晴上台发言时引发中方抗议,[China] 代表团大部分成员离开会场,使得现场一度陷入混乱,场面十分尴尬。代表团在戴晴和贝岭发言后才回到会场。* * * 中国驻德国大使吴红波说,邀请异议人士出席书展是对中国政府的不尊重,中国对此无法接受。
(c) 法兰克福书展:文化与观点的碰撞. BBC Chinese, Oct. 15, 2009.
(3) Yi-Yuan Chang, My mother and sister, prisoners of China's Communist Party. Los Angeles Times, Oct. 13, 2009.
My comment: The writer conceded her family members were indeed part of Falun Gong movement, but thought that they would be treated differently. They were taken away on June 4, 2009 (yes, that day) and whereabouts have been unknown.
"I had assumed they were safe. After all, my mother has Hong Kong residency, and my sister was a successful financial manager with a well-known international corporation. I thought this would give them some level of protection.
(4) 香港电子产品大展发展品牌锁定中产阶层. VOA Chinese, Oct. 14, 2009.
Decades ago--which means the period before I cam to US in 1984--Taiwan and the other three tigers/little dragons were doing small contract works, like toys, candies and electronics. For some time, I have looked back and seen
(a) that Hong Kong--and Singapore to some extent--falling more and more behind in electronics; but
(b) that the last two have emerged as financial hubs (particularly Hong Kong), in support of the economics dictum of comparative advantage, a concept credited to David Ricardo who explained it in his 1817 book On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.
(5) “金牌内定”阴影笼罩全运会. BBC Chinese, Oct. 16, 2009.