Damn, I went back to my file, and all photographs from Wenxuecity were changed, through Wenxuecity's software for it happens twice already to a notice that no photographs or texts can be copied or uploaded from that site. Thus even if the web page you desire were there, it is useless. There are still many sites out there which stores the sotry. The best, to my knowledge, is
Naturally I keep the whole thing this time.
【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: That night when I replied, a few other web sites --naturally I do not know if they are based in China or not--were deleted already.
: I did keep some but not all photographs.
: 【 在 jprp 的大作中提到: 】
: : 天涯的帖子没了,
: : 有一张照片,背景是某商店门口的国庆装饰,下面就是
: (以下引言省略...)