Even after reading your title and text, I thought, once I clicked the links, that she was a nun--then I read the poster she held.
My mistake is understandable for Taiwanese. In Taiwan, 披麻戴孝 is really wearing 麻 hemp, which is very coarse, so coarse that it will hurt. AND it is beige color, the natural color of hemp. And I cannot believe I cannot find a photograph of funerals in Taiwan, so I have nothing to show you.
P.S. After a long search, I finally find one: No. 2 out of 18 in the gallery titled
Taiwan's Mudslide and Floods, Chanel News Asia, Aug. 18, 2009.
【 在 jprp 的大作中提到: 】
: http://news.wenxuecity.com/messages/200910/news-gb2312-941506.html
: 天涯原帖
: http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/no04/07e585647d105e19bf5376258a3a2223/1/0/1.shtml
: 天涯多几幅图