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College Graduates Hard to Find Jobs in China

发表于 10-27-2009 11:27:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

四千人争一个职位,中国大学生就业之路越走越难. VOA Chinese, Oct. 27, 2009

My comment:
(a) The quotation comes from

Antoaneta Bezlova, China's graduate glut grows. Asia Times (Atimes.com), Oct. 22, 2009
("Beijing, where Feng [Danya, a college graduate] gets her monthly income of 1,400 yuan, is one of the costliest cities in China. But the report found that migrant laborers in southern China's manufacturing belt could earn up to 1,500 yuan per month.")

Asia Times has a Chinese version whose website, called 亚洲时报, has URL: www.atChinese.com. However, this one does not have Chinese or English version of the story.

(b) I am not jeering at Chinese. The starting salaries for a college graduate in Taiwan, under Pres. Chen Shui-bian, was about $9,000 a year, before tax. Not much compared with Americans'.

龙敏飞, 中国人谈中国:官场博士泛滥. BBC Chinese, Oct. 27, 2009

My comment; This I did not know. It is true, though. See

韩妹, 25年来中国博士数量年增23% 博士质量成新问题. 中国青年报, Mar. 12, 2009.

My comment: In this case, it goes without saying that even PhD is not valuable, according to basic economic rule of demand and supply.


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 楼主| 发表于 10-27-2009 11:27:45 | 只看该作者

College Graduates Hard to Find Jobs in China


四千人争一个职位,中国大学生就业之路越走越难. VOA Chinese, Oct. 27, 2009

My comment:
(a) The quotation comes from

Antoaneta Bezlova, China's graduate glut grows. Asia Times (Atimes.com), Oct. 22, 2009
("Beijing, where Feng [Danya, a college graduate] gets her monthly income of 1,400 yuan, is one of the costliest cities in China. But the report found that migrant laborers in southern China's manufacturing belt could earn up to 1,500 yuan per month.")

Asia Times has a Chinese version whose website, called 亚洲时报, has URL: www.atChinese.com. However, this one does not have Chinese or English version of the story.

(b) I am not jeering at Chinese. The starting salaries for a college graduate in Taiwan, under Pres. Chen Shui-bian, was about $9,000 a year, before tax. Not much compared with Americans'.

龙敏飞, 中国人谈中国:官场博士泛滥. BBC Chinese, Oct. 27, 2009

My comment; This I did not know. It is true, though. See

韩妹, 25年来中国博士数量年增23% 博士质量成新问题. 中国青年报, Mar. 12, 2009.

My comment: In this case, it goes without saying that even PhD is not valuable, according to basic economic rule of demand and supply.

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