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发表于 11-5-2009 10:45:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, Nov. 4, 2009 (written by 李肃).

The report, among other things, cites:

Bradley Perrett, Person of the Year: Qian Xuesen Laid Foundation For Space
Rise in China. Aviation Week & Space Technology ("Aviation Week" for short), Jan. 6, 2008.

(a) Iris Chang 张纯如
(b) Thread of the Silkworm: The story of Tsien Hsue-shen: the brilliant,
enigmatic, Chinese-born scientist who helped pioneer the American space
ageand, when rejected by the nation he sought to adopt as his own, became
the undisputed father of the Chinese missile program.* (published by
BasicBooks, a subsidiary of Perseus Books, LLC; 1995).**

* Google Books has a free preview of this book.
**: In Greek mythology, Perseus is a son of Zeus and Danaë and slayer
of Medusa.

(c) Luan Enjie 栾恩杰:探月工程总指挥 chief commander of China's lunar
orbiter project

(d) Wernher von Braun
(e) Mr. Dan A. Kimball served under Pres. Harry S. Truman,
(i) as Under Secretary of the Navy (the second-highest ranking civilian
official in the United States Department of the Navy): May 25, 1949 – July
31, 1951; and
(ii) Secretary of the Navy: July 31, 1951–January 20, 1953

(f) The Aviation Week article is great; I recommend it.
(g) The last paragraph says in part: "But if China is now a strategic rival
to the U.S. * * *" Note the present tense. Thus, the next report:

(i) 过半美国人“视中国为对手.” BBC Chinese, Nov. 4, 2009.

(ii) The Thomson Reuters/Ipsos poll at issue is not free. However, Reuters
has a report based on the poll (not shown) and Ipsos has a summary on its
web site.

The US/China Syndrome: Largest Percentage of Americans Choose China (34%)
over Others as Most Important Bilateral Relationship United States Should
Have But Majority (56%) View China as Adversary not Ally (33%). Ipsos, Nov.
4, 2009.


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