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Taiwan Desperately Seekig Babies

发表于 4-2-2010 13:01:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) To recover the mainland, Generalissimo wanted to have as many soldiers
as possible. So he was against family planning. Then, Taiwan's population
increased from 6 million in 1949 --roughly 2 million came around 1949 to the
original 4 million--exploded. So family planning was encouraged, but not

(2) Unfortunately nobody wants children. See
Ralph Jennings, Taiwan's sinking birth rate threatens productivity. Reuters,
Apr. 2, 2010.
("A crude birth rate of 8.3 newborns per 1,000 people last year puts Taiwan
above only Germany, Hong Kong, Italy and Japan, according to estimates by
the CIA World Factbook.")

(a) Linda Arrigo
(born American white; 艾琳達; an ex-wife of 施明德; the marriage was a sham:
施 needed the protection of a marriage with an American and she was in
danger of expulsion by the authoritarian KMT regime; the marriage brought
her Taiwan citizenship she had coveted, with that KMT could not deport her;
Ph.D (1996) from the State University of New York at Binghamton; title of
her doctoral dissertation: The Economics of Inequality in an Agrarian
Society: Land Ownership, Land Tenure, Population Processes and the Rate of
Rent in 1930’s China)
(b) Polaris Research Institute 寶華綜合經濟研究院 (President Liang Kuo-yuan

(3) First and foremost, definitions for (crude) birth rate and total
fertility rate (TFR) follow.

Birth rate
("Crude birth rate is the nativity or childbirths per 1,000 people per year.
* * * Another indicator of fertility that is frequently used is the total
fertility rate, which is the average number of children born to each woman
over the course of her life. In general, the total fertility rate is a
better indicator of (current) fertility rates because unlike the crude birth
rate it is not affected by the age distribution of the population.")

The same Factbook (2010 ed.) shows
(a) China with birth rate "14 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)" and TFR "
1.79 children born/woman (2009 est.)."
(b) Taiwan with birth rate "8.99 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)" and
TFR "1.14 children born/woman (2009 est.)."

HOWEVER, Ministry of Interior 內政部 of Taiwan reckoned the TFR was the
lowest in the world.
Jane Macartney, Taiwan to offer fertility subsidies to boost low birth rate.
The Times of London, Feb. 23, 2010.


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 楼主| 发表于 4-3-2010 11:16:42 | 只看该作者

Re: Taiwan Desperately Seekig Babies


Europe is more generous than US with respect to childbirth.

US does not pay money (a lump sum or in installments) to each live birth.
But many European nations have done that. See

(a) Li Xueying, A Swede way to boost Singapore's birth rate. The Strait
Times (Singapore), Jul. 11, 2008.
(In Sweden both parents TOGETHER got more than a year's paid parental leave
plus child "allowance" whereas in Singapore a mother got three months and
father, three days and no allowance)

(b) For the current state of social security of various nations, see

Social Security Programs Throughout the World. US Social Security Agency (

(i) Sweden: "The benefit is equal to 80% of the insured’s lost
earnings and is paid for 390 days (the guaranteed benefit
is 180 kronor a day), plus an additional 90 days at a basic
level of 60 kronor a day. The total benefit duration for both
parents combined is 480 days per child and is paid from no
earlier than 60 days before the expected date of childbirth
up until the child is age 8."

(ii) Singapore: Apparently the hoped-for measures listed in The Strait Time
above did not materialize.

(iii) Taiwan: "Maternity grant: A lump sum of 1 month of the insured’s
average covered earnings in the last 6 months before maternity leave is paid
for a normal or premature childbirth."

* See also
殷偵維, 11000→778人 老松國小縮小了. China Times, Apr. 2, 2010.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) To recover the mainland, Generalissimo wanted to have as many soldiers
: as possible. So he was against family planning. Then, Taiwan's population
: increased from 6 million in 1949 --roughly 2 million came around 1949 to the
: original 4 million--exploded. So family planning w
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 4-2-2010 13:01:13 | 只看该作者

Taiwan Desperately Seekig Babies


(1) To recover the mainland, Generalissimo wanted to have as many soldiers
as possible. So he was against family planning. Then, Taiwan's population
increased from 6 million in 1949 --roughly 2 million came around 1949 to the
original 4 million--exploded. So family planning was encouraged, but not

(2) Unfortunately nobody wants children. See
Ralph Jennings, Taiwan's sinking birth rate threatens productivity. Reuters,
Apr. 2, 2010.
("A crude birth rate of 8.3 newborns per 1,000 people last year puts Taiwan
above only Germany, Hong Kong, Italy and Japan, according to estimates by
the CIA World Factbook.")

(a) Linda Arrigo
(born American white; 艾琳達; an ex-wife of 施明德; the marriage was a sham:
施 needed the protection of a marriage with an American and she was in
danger of expulsion by the authoritarian KMT regime; the marriage brought
her Taiwan citizenship she had coveted, with that KMT could not deport her;
Ph.D (1996) from the State University of New York at Binghamton; title of
her doctoral dissertation: The Economics of Inequality in an Agrarian
Society: Land Ownership, Land Tenure, Population Processes and the Rate of
Rent in 1930’s China)
(b) Polaris Research Institute 寶華綜合經濟研究院 (President Liang Kuo-yuan

(3) First and foremost, definitions for (crude) birth rate and total
fertility rate (TFR) follow.

Birth rate
("Crude birth rate is the nativity or childbirths per 1,000 people per year.
* * * Another indicator of fertility that is frequently used is the total
fertility rate, which is the average number of children born to each woman
over the course of her life. In general, the total fertility rate is a
better indicator of (current) fertility rates because unlike the crude birth
rate it is not affected by the age distribution of the population.")

The same Factbook (2010 ed.) shows
(a) China with birth rate "14 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)" and TFR "
1.79 children born/woman (2009 est.)."
(b) Taiwan with birth rate "8.99 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)" and
TFR "1.14 children born/woman (2009 est.)."

HOWEVER, Ministry of Interior 內政部 of Taiwan reckoned the TFR was the
lowest in the world.
Jane Macartney, Taiwan to offer fertility subsidies to boost low birth rate.
The Times of London, Feb. 23, 2010.

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 4-3-2010 11:16:42 | 只看该作者

Re: Taiwan Desperately Seekig Babies


Europe is more generous than US with respect to childbirth.

US does not pay money (a lump sum or in installments) to each live birth.
But many European nations have done that. See

(a) Li Xueying, A Swede way to boost Singapore's birth rate. The Strait
Times (Singapore), Jul. 11, 2008.
(In Sweden both parents TOGETHER got more than a year's paid parental leave
plus child "allowance" whereas in Singapore a mother got three months and
father, three days and no allowance)

(b) For the current state of social security of various nations, see

Social Security Programs Throughout the World. US Social Security Agency (

(i) Sweden: "The benefit is equal to 80% of the insured’s lost
earnings and is paid for 390 days (the guaranteed benefit
is 180 kronor a day), plus an additional 90 days at a basic
level of 60 kronor a day. The total benefit duration for both
parents combined is 480 days per child and is paid from no
earlier than 60 days before the expected date of childbirth
up until the child is age 8."

(ii) Singapore: Apparently the hoped-for measures listed in The Strait Time
above did not materialize.

(iii) Taiwan: "Maternity grant: A lump sum of 1 month of the insured’s
average covered earnings in the last 6 months before maternity leave is paid
for a normal or premature childbirth."

* See also
殷偵維, 11000→778人 老松國小縮小了. China Times, Apr. 2, 2010.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) To recover the mainland, Generalissimo wanted to have as many soldiers
: as possible. So he was against family planning. Then, Taiwan's population
: increased from 6 million in 1949 --roughly 2 million came around 1949 to the
: original 4 million--exploded. So family planning w
: (以下引言省略...)

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