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Genetically Modified Cotton Is Not a Silver Bullet

发表于 5-17-2010 11:37:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Karen Kaplan, Genetically modified cotton stops one bug but fosters others;
A Chinese crop designed to thrive without pesticides needs them again. Los
Angeles Times, May 16, 2010.
("in 1997 [] genetically modified cotton was approved for use in China. * *
* Today, 95% of the cotton grown in China is genetically engineered")

(a) "A bollworm is a common term for any larva of a moth that attacks the
fruiting bodies of certain crops, especially cotton": Wikiepdia.
(b) mirid bug 盲蝽

I do not know if Taiwan has mirid bugs, but we do not have such a term 盲蝽.

(c) National Agro-Technical Extension and Service Center 全国农业技术推广服

(d) A few days ago there was a similar report.

Ian Sample, Scientists call for GM review after surge in pests around cotton
farms in China; Farmland struck by infestations of bugs following
widespread adoption of Bt cotton made by biotech giant Monsanto. Guardian,
May 13, 2010.

There is no need to read the Guardian report, whose subtitle indicates the
genetically modified cotton is from Monsanto.
(e) China so far has not allowed genetically modified FOOD crops to grow
commercially within its border.


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