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Follow Up on Taiwan/Japan

发表于 4-11-2013 16:01:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(a) Chen Pei-huang and Ann Chen, Taiwan Can Intercept North Korean Missile: Defense Minister. Central News Agency, Apr 11, 2013
("Asked whether Taiwan's miliatary can intercept a missile if one should come toward Taiwan by accident, Kao [Hua-chu 高華柱] said 'yes' without any elaboration")

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.
(b) 台湾国防部长高华柱: 有能力因应朝鲜导弹威胁. VOA Chinese, Apr 11, 2013.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 130411/1639154.html

(2) 台湾:台日渔业协议不适用中国渔船.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... fishing_range.shtml


"据 [台湾] 渔业署说此一水域从过去到现在主要是台湾渔船在作业,中国与日本的渔船都非常少。渔业署官员并说,对于此一特别合作的水域,台湾与日本将成立渔业委员会,相对而言两岸间并没有这样的委员会。


(3) 日本舆论普遍肯定《日台渔业协定》.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... aiwan_fishing.shtml

(a) The report says 《朝日新闻》 "社论说,协定回避了“领海”这一词汇 * * * 《朝日新闻》也承认 * * * 台湾不仅是日本最大的进口实体."
(i) CIA World Factbook for "Japan"--under "Economy"
https://www.cia.gov/library/publ ... ctbook/geos/ja.html
(A) "Exports - partners [of Japan]: China 19.7%, US 15.5%, South Korea 8%, Hong Kong 5.2%, Thailand 4.6% (2011)"
(B) "Imports - partners: China 21.5%, US 8.9%, Australia 6.6%, Saudi Arabia 5.9%, UAE 5%, South Korea 4.7% (2011)"

Presumably this ranking does not subsume Taiwan-Japan trade data to those of China-Japan.
(ii) I finally locate Japan's official trade data:
(A) Trade Statistics of Japan. Customs, Ministry of Finance, Japan.
(B) In (A), click "Asia" and reach a new Web page:

For calendar year (as opposed to Japan's fiscal year) 2012 in "a thousand yen":

Republic of Korea (S Korea)....4911269560.....3233703622
North Korea.............................0..............0
Hong Kong......................3276185293......121420448

Naturally it is impossible for Japan to export more to Taiwan than to China, considering the population sizes of the latter two.

(b) The report cites 《读卖新闻》题为“日台渔业协定以战略外交守卫尖阁”的社论.

日台漁業協定 戦略的外交で「尖閣」を守れ(4月11日付・読売社説)

* mamoru 守る 【まもる】 (v): "to protect; to guard; to defend"

, which is translatd into English:
Editorial: Japan-Taiwan fisheries pact strategic diplomacy tool to protect Senkakus. Yomiuri Shimbun, Apr 12, 2013
("Okinawa Gov Hirokazu NAKAIMA 仲井眞 弘多 was vocal in his protest against the Japanese government. 'It is extremely regrettable a major compromise was made. We'll face fierce competition and the shrinkage of quality fishing areas,' Nakaima said")

(4) Seima Oki and and Kiyota Higa, Taiwan fishing deal aims to counter China. Yomiuri Shimbun, Apr 12, 2013 (available now).


"The most recent compromise, however, risks harming the interests of fishermen in Okinawa Prefecture. While the Fisheries Agency [of Japan] has expressed its reservations regarding the matter, officials from the Prime Minister's Office pushed through the agreement.

"However, fishermen in Okinawa Prefecture were opposed to the deal. One of them compained: 'The exempted sea area cuts deeper into Okinawa Prefecture's territory than we had anticipated. Taiwan's portion is too big.'

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