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发表于 5-8-2013 15:32:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, May 8, 2013
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... hina_disputes.shtml

My comment:
(a) 菅 義偉  Yoshihide SUGA (1948- ; Chief Cabinet Secretary 内閣官房長官 since Dec 26, 2012; Liberal Democratic Party (LDP))
(i) Though the same kanji, his last name is pronounced differently than that of 菅 直人 Naoto KAN (prime minister 2010-2011, from a different party 民主党, Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ).
(ii) For 菅, the suge/suga is Japanese pronunciation and kan, Chinese pronunciation.

(iii) suge (suga all right)  スゲ 《菅》 【すげ; すが(ok)】 (n):
"sedge (Cyperaceae spp. [abbreviation for "species"], esp. members of genus Carex)"
(iv) Cyperaceae
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary

(b) 张海鹏 and 李國強, 论《马关条约》与钓鱼岛问题. 人民日报, May 8, 2013.
(i) "日本幕府末期,日本與琉球相鄰的島津藩主強迫琉球向自己進貢,但琉球王國照舊向清政府納貢稱臣。"

Japan's position seems to be

Okinawa Prefecture


"In 1609, the Shimazu clan 島津氏, which controlled the region that is now Kagoshima Prefecture 鹿児島県, conquered the Ryūkyū Kingdom. The Ryūkyū Kingdom was obliged to agree to form a tributary relationship with the Satsuma and the Tokugawa shogunate, while maintaining its previous tributary relationship with China; Ryukyuan sovereignty was maintained since complete annexation would have created a conflict with China. The Satsuma clan earned considerable profits from trade with China during a period in which foreign trade was heavily restricted by the shogunate.

"Four years after the 1868 Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government, through military incursions, officially annexed the kingdom and renamed it Ryukyu han 琉球 藩. At the time, the Qing Dynasty of China asserted sovereignty over the islands of the Ryūkyū Kingdom, since the Ryūkyū Kingdom was also a tributary nation of China. Ryukyu han became Okinawa Prefecture 沖縄 県 of Japan in 1879
(ii) 沖縄県
(section 2 名称: 「おきなわ」という地名の由来は、「沖あいの漁場」を意味する * * * 琉球処分の際、明治政府内では「琉球県」の名称も検討された。* * * 中国語由来の琉球に対し、沖縄は琉球語(沖縄方言)の「うちなー」由来の名称であり、こちらのほうがより日本帰属の意思が明確になるため選ばれたと考えられる)
* okiai 沖合; 沖合い 【おきあい】 (n): "coast; offing; offshore
* translation: Okinawa means "offshore fishing grounds" * * * When Japan annexed Ryūkyū, Japanese government re-examined the name. * * * Ryūkyū having been derived from Chinese language, "Okinawa," a word from language (or dialect) spoken locally [NOT Japanese language, that is] was chosen, to emphasize unambiguous subsumption under Japan.      

(c) For decades I have been curious about China's position on sovereignty of Okinawa. This is the first time I get a glimpse of of it, from People's Daily.

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