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发表于 5-24-2013 07:21:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, May 24, 2013
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukchina/sim ... scotland_kirk.shtml

, which is translated from

Scottish independence: Kirk Approves Separate Coronations. BBC, May 24, 2013.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukchina/sim ... scotland_kirk.shtml

(i) kirk (n; Middle English (northern dialect), from Old Norse kirkja, from Old English cirice — more at CHURCH; First Known Use  12th century)
(ii) kirk
(iii) Church of Scotland
(Protestant; John Knox led Scottish Reformation of 1560, when the church in Scotland broke with Rome)

(b) The surname Fulton is "probably a reduced form of Fullerton, which is the name of a place in Roxburghshire, Scotland, so named from Old English fugol ‘bird’ + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement.’"

(c) Church of Scotland "would expect to play a prominent part in a separate investiture"
(i) investiture (n): "the act of establishing in office or ratifying"
(ii) invest (vt)
(d) "Charles II's coronation took place at Scone Palace in Perthshire on New Year's Day 1651. Since the union of the crowns of Scotland and England in 1603, all British monarchs have been crowned at Westminster Abbey in London."
(i) "自从1603年英格兰和苏格兰两个王位合并以来,所有的英国君主都在伦敦的威斯敏斯特大教堂里加冕。而查理二世又单独在苏格兰被教会加冕为苏格兰王。"

The Chinese version is misleading. Charles was first crowned in Scotland on Jan 1, 1651, because England at the time did not accept him as king, in the midst of English Civil War (1642-1651) which ended in Battle of Worcester on Sept 3, 1651 when Oliver Cromwell defeated Charles II. The latter fled to France and was invited back in 1660 after death of Cromwell. "Charles's coronation took place at Westminster Abbey on Apr 23, 1661." For the source, see next.
(ii) Charles II of England
(iii) Scone Palace
(This was the crowning-place of the Kings of the Scots (on the Stone of Destiny); the last coronation was of Charles II, when he accepted the Scottish crown in 1651)
(iv) Stone of Scone
(also known as the Stone of Destiny)

Quote: "In 1296 the Stone was captured by Edward I as spoils of war and taken to Westminster Abbey, where it was fitted into a wooden chair, known as King Edward's Chair, on which most subsequent English sovereigns have been crowned. Doubtless by this he intended to symbolise his claim to be 'Lord Paramount' of Scotland with right to oversee its King.
(v) Edward I (1239-1307; reign 1271-1307; also known as Edward Longshanks [he was tall in his era])  Wiki

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