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发表于 6-14-2013 07:36:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Colum Murphy, Politics Checks in for China Hotel Industry. China Real Time Report. June 14, 2013
http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealti ... ina-hotel-industry/

The world’s largest hotel chain in terms of rooms [InterContinental Hotels Group. or IHG] officially opened its latest managed property— InterContinental Ruijin—in Shanghai’s leafy formerFrench Concession at the end of last month. Its partner for this project is the Shanghai government.

is a former state guest house and has rich political associations. A who’s who of former Chinese and international political leaders including Zhou Enlai and Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh stayed at the hotel, which is a collection of traditional British style buildings built in the 1920s and 1930s set amid expansive gardens.

(a) Shanghai Ruijin; An InterContinental City Hotel  上海瑞金洲际酒店
http://www.ihg.com/intercontinen ... i/shgsr/hoteldetail
(b) It was 前 上海瑞金宾馆.

("瑞金宾馆原名马立斯花园 [Morris family estate],是英国人马立斯所建私邸。马立斯1867年到上海,因赌马发迹,于是开始买地造房,除瑞金宾馆的一、二和三号楼以外马立斯还建造了武胜路,延安东路,重庆北路,大沽路附近的一批公寓住宅,并以马乐里,马吉里 [plus 马德里, 马安里, 马立斯新村; altogether eight sites; 凡是他造的里弄都以 '马' 字当头] 等来命名")

The Morris family owned--but did not found--North China Daily News, the oldest English-language newspaper in China. See North China Daily News   字林西報
(founded in 1850 by Henry Shearman 奚安門;  in 1901 "purchased by Henry E Morris. In 1920, the paper passed to his son, HE Morris Jr, who used his money to build a compound of luxurious houses which became today's Ruijin Hotel, as well as the Canidrome")

Both Shearman and Morris were Britons.

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