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发表于 6-17-2013 06:20:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, June 17, 2013.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... en_guangcheng.shtml

Note: The report cites
(a) 陈光诚离开纽约大学的声明. Dated June 16, 2013

, which was issued June 16, 2013 (signed June 15) through his counsel, Washington DC-based Bancroft PLLC.
Firm Profile. Bancroft PLLC, undated
("Bancroft PLLC was founded by former Assistant Attorney General Viet D. Dinh and now includes former Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, former Associate White House Counsel H. Christopher Bartolomucci * * *  Among our 14 lawyers are 9 U.S. Supreme Court clerkships, 14 U.S. Court of Appeals clerkships, and 5 Presidential appointments.  The Firm’s name reflects the address of the Dupont Circle townhouse that served as its first location")

Apparently it was in Chinese, because "Press" in Bancroft's Web page does not include anything related to Chen.

(b) BBC states, "中国外交部发言人华春莹周一(17日)表示,陈光诚是以普通中国公民身分,依法依规办理相关出国留学手续;她反问,不知道声明所指是消息有误,还是陈光诚刻意编造什么消息."
(i) Apparently the statement is NOT made in the press conference. See
http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/ ... 1275/t1050868.shtml
(ii) VOA Chinese in today's report says, "中国外交部发言人华春莹说:'据我所知,陈光诚是作为普通中国公民身份,依发和依规办理了相关的出国留学的手续。我不知道你刚才提到的那个情况,是消息有误呢,还是陈光诚在刻意的编造什么消息。'”

(c) "陈光诚并未提供具体证据支持中共向纽大施压的说法,不过《纽约时报》评论说,陈光诚的指控让人对美国高校承受中国政府压力的能力存疑。"

I search the English- and Chinese-language websites of New York Times, and find nothing.

(d) South China Morning Post, June 17, 2013
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/a ... ing-communist-party
("Bob Fu, president of US Christian advocacy group China Aid who is close to Chen and has arranged for him to speak at US congressional hearings, insisted that US universities are bowing to China. 'US universities are out chasing the China dollar and are very reluctant to work with dissidents who have a strong voice in China,' Fu said by e-mail")

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