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BO Xilai Denied Lawyer of Choice, Again

发表于 8-8-2013 06:00:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Sui-Lee Wee, Lawyer Says Not Allowed to Represent China's Disgraced Bo Xilai. Reuters, Aug 8, 2013.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USBRE97708V20130808

Note: Lawyers
(a) GU Yushu  顾 玉树
(b) "Bo will be represented by two lawyers, Li Guifang and Wang Zhaofeng. Li had told Reuters that he was appointed by Bo. But the state-owned Global Times newspaper later reported that Li had been 'assigned' by the government-run Beijing Legal Aid Center."

李 贵方/王 兆峰/ 北京法律援助中心
(c) "Two lawyers previously hired by Bo's family, Li Xiaolin and Shen Zhigeng, told Reuters last year they had not been given permission to either see Bo or represent him."
李 肖霖/ 申 志庚


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