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Chinese Students Enthusiastic About American Summer Camps, Academic or for Fun

发表于 8-30-2013 09:59:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jane Perlez and 高雨莘, 赴美夏令营,中国富家子弟追逐成功的阶梯. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 30, 2013

, which is translated from

Jane Perlez and Helen Gao, Seeking Edge in academics, Chinesee Spend Summer in US. New York Times, Aug 30, 2013.

My comment:
(a) If my family in Taiwan had been rich enough--but my family was poor, and can only blame themselves (specifically parents)--I'd have elected to do the same. Coming to US really have broadened my horizon. Despite my harship in US, often I feel sorry that other Taiwanese have not had the same opportunity. They may have come to US for tourism or to study. But many have not opened their eyes (including President Ma Ying-jeou, as well as many officials I interacted with back in Taiwan). Maybe because I am observant; maybe because they only associated with Taiwanese while in US; or maybe because they intentionally kept their eyes closed.
(b) One of the two photos caption states, "Students from China in a summer program at Gordon College in Wenham, Mass."

The college is in Boston backyard. And I have assocaited with quite a few students from Gordon College. The College is a bastion of Christianity--not right-winged, just Christianity. Those students I knew because they were doing volunteer work (they did not proselytize, and mentioned their affiliation only when asked). Most people in greater Boston probably have not heard of it. I can not figure out how Chinese students know its presence.

Gordon College (Massachusetts)
(private; Founded by Baptist minister AJ Gordon as a missionary training institute in 1889)

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