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中国 '西进' 中亚抗衡美国新丝绸之路

发表于 9-9-2013 15:19:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jane Perlez, 中国 '西进' 中亚抗衡美国新丝绸之路. 纽约时报中文网国际纵览, Sept 9, 2013

, which is translated from

Jane Perlez, China Looks Westward As It Bolsters Regional Ties. New York Times, Sept 8, 2013


(a) " President Xi Jinping of China, evoking the camel caravans of the old Silk Road that traversed the ancient plains of Kazakhstan on their way from China to Europe, said Saturday that he wanted to create a contemporary version that would bind together China and its Central Asian neighbors. * * * The old Silk Road, which took Chinese silk, porcelain and jade to Europe, started in his home province, Shaanxi, in central China, Mr Xi said. 'I can almost hear the ring of the camel bells and the wisps of smoke in the desert,' he said.

(b) "The strategy also has the advantage of countering, and complementing, American plans for a 'new Silk Road' announced by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2011, said Wang Jisi, dean of the Center for International and Strategic Studies at Peking University 北京大学国际战略研究中心主任 王缉思. Mr Wang is an architect of the 'march westwards' policy, and an occasional adviser to the government on foreign affairs.

Mrs. Clinton proposed the 'new Silk Road' for postwar Afghanistan, and said the United States would foster private sector investment in transportation and energy infrastructure throughout the region. But there is no need to wait for the Americans, Mr. Wang suggested.

Moreover, China does not need to limit itself to 'first becoming an Asia-Pacific power, then becoming a global power,' Mr Wang said in a paper last November for the International and Strategic Studies Report 国际战略研究报告, a publication of Peking University, that was widely noted by American and Chinese foreign policy experts.

My comment: I skip the English-lanuage report yesterday. Today, however, 新丝绸之路 in the title entices me. The quotation is what is about. There is no need to read the rest of the report.

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