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Book Review on Nina Munk, The Idealist. Doubleday, 2013

发表于 9-13-2013 11:58:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
James Traub, Dr Sachs Goes to Africa. Villagers received bed nets to prevent malaria in children. They used them on goats instead. Wall Street Journal, Sept 7, 2013.

(a) The German and  Jewish (Ashkenazic) surname Traub (where "au" is pronounced as "a" in "ball"): German traube (noun feminine): "grape"
(b) Meles Zenawi
(1955-2012; Ethiopia prime minister 1995-2012)
(c) "Mr Sachs, who for years played Sancho Panza to Bono's Don Quixote, together tilting at windmills"

Don Quixote
(Don Quixote recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire; Published in two volumes, in 1605 and 1615, respectively)
(d) "Mr Sachs believed that malaria and other infectious diseases devastated economic growth by disabling and killing millions of people. One of his "quick wins" was giving villagers bed nets to prevent malaria. Mr. Mohamed distributed 3,000 bed nets in Dertu. Despite his patient explanations, however, many of the villagers used the nets on their goats rather than their children."

Anopheles Mosquitoes. US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, undated (under "Malaria").

Quote: "Preferred Sources for Blood Meals[:] One important behavioral factor is the degree to which an Anopheles species prefers to feed on humans (anthropophily) or animals such as cattle (zoophily). Anthrophilic Anopheles are more likely to transmit the malaria parasites from one person to another. Most Anopheles mosquitoes are not exclusively anthropophilic or zoophilic. However, the primary malaria vectors in Africa, An. gambiae and An. funestus, are strongly anthropophilic and, consequently, are two of the most efficient malaria vectors in the world.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-13-2013 12:00:46 | 只看该作者
乔·诺切拉, 一个经济学家和他消除贫困的志向. 纽约时报中文网, Sept 7, 2013

, which is translated from

Joe Nocera, Fighting Poverty, And Critics. New York Times, Sept 8, 2013 (in the Book Review section).

Quote: “At one point, the Millennium Villages Project persuades the farmers in Ruhiira to grow maize instead of their traditional crop, called matoke. ‘The results were fantastic,’ she reports, a bumper crop. Except there were no buyers for the maize, so most of it wound up being eaten by rats.

Note: matoke
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